How to keep coffee fresh.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, so it’s no surprise that people want to make sure they’re getting their money’s worth. That means knowing how to keep coffee fresh after you open it up. We’ve got some tips below on how to keep your coffee tasting great for longer!

Store it in an airtight container
It’s important to keep air, light and moisture out of your coffee. These will cause it to go stale much more quickly than if you store it in an airtight container that keeps these elements at bay.

When choosing a container, look for one that is opaque and doesn’t allow light through its walls. Also look for a tight seal on the lid—this prevents moisture from getting inside as well as keeping oxygen out of your coffee bag or tin (which would cause it to oxidize). If you have more than one type of coffee stored at home, consider putting each kind into its own individual container so you can easily identify what’s what when browsing through your cupboard later on.

Keep it away from light and heat.
Keep it in a cool, dark place.
Don’t keep coffee near the oven or stovetop.
Don’t store coffee in the fridge or freezer.
Use a dark-tinted glass storage container.
Dark tinted glass helps keep light out of the container, which means that the coffee won’t oxidize as fast. Oxidation causes the coffee to go stale, rancid, and moldy.

If you’re thinking about getting a new coffee maker, get one with an automatic shutoff function (like this one). Once you’ve brewed your first pot of coffee in the morning, set it to brew again at a certain time so that when you wake up there’s already hot coffee ready for drinking.

Keeping your coffee fresh is pretty easy when you keep it out of heat and light.
Keeping your coffee fresh is pretty easy when you keep it out of heat and light. In fact, the best way to do this is by keeping your coffee in a dark, airtight container. This can be a glass jar with an airtight seal or a Ziploc bag (we recommend using one that’s opaque). If you’re using an opaque container like a mason jar with an airtight lid, make sure that the lid isn’t just tightened but also locked on tightly so no air gets in or out.

When choosing where to store your beans, think about where they’ll stay between uses: if they’ll be sitting on top of your fridge while they cool down after being brewed at night before going into their storage container in the morning, consider storing them somewhere else instead. The temperature change could cause condensation which will prematurely age the beans and make them taste stale sooner than expected.

The best way to keep your coffee fresh is by keeping it in an airtight container. We recommend a dark tinted glass container so that light doesn’t get in and heat can’t escape. It’s also important not to store your beans next to other foods or spices because they’ll absorb odors over time. If you’re looking for something more convenient than keeping your beans at home (but don’t want them going stale), there are many options available on the market today!


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